Running Effective and Productive Sprint Retrospectives

In my experience working on various Agile teams, the most productive and most well-functioning teams share many common traits.

Go With The PR Instance Workflow

As an engineer, the workflow and deployment process is something that can often be seen as tedious and bothersome.

React Native @ The Knot: A Designer’s Perspective

For the past 8 months, I’ve been working on The Knot Pro app, which was built using React Native (a framework that lets you write an app once but run it natively on both iOS and Android).

React Native @ The Knot

Our React Native app started as a project for one of our company hackathons.

How To Build an Index-Time Search-As-You-Type Feature with Elasticsearch

The “Search By Name” feature on this page hits an API endpoint that queries Elasticsearch with a partial name and responds with the names of the matching customers.

The Benefits of Sponsoring a Dev Meetup

For over six months now, XO in Austin has been sponsoring and organizing a developer focused meetup called ‘Fullstack Forum ATX’.

Why we chose Kong

At XO, we use NGINX extensively and to great effect across our stack.

XO Hackathon Spring 2017

At XO, we throw a biannual hackathon. It’s a company-wide, two-day event where co workers cross team and even state lines get together to design, prototype, and hack a solution together.

From Node to Go: A High-Level Comparison

At XO Group, we primarily work with Node and Ruby to build out our system of interconnected services.

XOIT Kick-Off!

XOIT Kick-Off! If you didn’t already think XO was the best place to work, you will now — We have a brand-spanking-new learning opportunity called XOIT!